Thursday, July 28, 2011

New TSA Software To Nix Invasive Body Scan Images

Looks like all the uproar on the internet and in the media finally got the change they wanted... about 6 months later. The TSA is implementing filters on the so called "nude" scanners that cartoonizes the body and identifies any irregularities.

When the Transportation Security Administration rolled out full-body scanners at airport security checkpoints, it produced images detailed enough to earn the nickname “porno scanners.”
Now, the TSA plans to install software in all of these machines that will put an end to the seemingly naked scanned images.
The software eliminates passenger-specific images. Instead, the machine uses a generic image to pinpoint any potential threats hiding under a passenger’s clothes that require further screening. If no potential threats are automatically detected, an “OK” appears on the screen and the passenger is cleared.
“By eliminating the image of an actual passenger and replacing it with a generic outline of a person, passengers are able to view the same outline that the TSA officer sees,” a TSA statement explains. “Further, a separate TSA officer will no longer be required to view the image in a remotely located viewing room.”

New TSA Software To Nix Invasive Body Scan Images


Heather said...

Am I one of the few people who didn't really seem all too bothered by it before? Then again, never happened to me, so who knows. Though I still admit this is a lot nicer, especially no more need "viewing room". They could do anything in those!

SDG said...

While I have never experienced this for myself, I do know that any hassle between a customer and the service they have paid for is never appreciated it. Escalate that feeling with an invasion of privacy, and no wonder we fought back.

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