So Osama is dead. Whoopie. This opens the floodgates to the shitshow that is the American Populous. I am so embarrassed for our entire society, especially when watching the shit that's been said on facebook. For example: (Some names have been changed to protect the retarded. Others I left in because they deserve the shit they may get, and they actually think they understand what's going on. I even gave you half of my name ;))
[GIRL 1]
Let's bring our troops home now
13 hours ago
5 people like this.
[ME, Kyle] HAHAHA, Good luck on that. The release of this information is obviously being used to smooth over the fact that we're prepping for escalation of the efforts in Libya.
13 hours ago
Neil Flim Sørensen I don't think anyone is using this info to smooth anything. We're all really happy. The efforts on terrorism will still happen as long as there is terrorism.
13 hours ago
[GIRL 1] And this is still good news. and ten years seems too long
13 hours ago
[ME, Kyle] This is something I posted in a big debate - It's an obvious political move that's being timed due to the negative PR related to the Libya situation escalating. This was more or less exactly the reaction from BBC and AlJazeera. If Bin Laden was taken out in a small tactical attack, there's no way the branches of the armed forces would allow the information to leak until they had gathered all intel and followed all leads that were produced from the raid. Announcing it all immediately, for all intents and purposes, would be counterproductive and foolhardy.
I agree it's good news, but i think it's giving the american public a fake feeling of 1.) confidence and 2.) closure. I'm seeing "So bring home the troops" statuses, which show how ignorant people truly are. We haven't been actively searching for Osama for probably 5 years.
13 hours ago
[GIRL 1] I think you are ignorant by saying that these posts about bringing the troops home comes from ignorance
13 hours ago
Jason McCormick Wow. You know, I'm pretty sure [GIRL 1] has the right to post about bringing the troops home EVERY DAY for her status if she so chooses because she has so much more a stake than the rest of us. And for the record, it's hard to believe that someone can be so jaded as to make the elimination of a horrid, murderous beast sound like a conspiracy. WTF, man. Give her a moment of hope.
13 hours ago • 3 people
Andrea Romano Oh snap!
13 hours ago
[ME, Kyle] Don't get me wrong, it'd be amazing to be able to bring the troops home, but instead we've dug ourselves in on 3 fronts (Iraq, Afghanistan, and now Libya.) Us killing one person is not going to magically fix any of those situations any more than catching Saddam fixed Iraq.
I'm sorry, but realism is necessary in political and military situations.
13 hours ago
[GIRL 1] We are being realistic. It's about realizing that though this may be one kill, it is still a big step.
13 hours ago
Jason McCormick [GIRL 1] has to deal with the "realism" of this conflict every day. This isn't just a blog post debate to her. She's not trying to win some stupid debate or delude herself into believing in something false. She's trying to hope that the love of her life can remain safe. You know, a little sympathy, empathy, and hope can actually make a difference in a world like this.
13 hours ago
[ME, Kyle] Really? You think that taking out a figurehead that did practically no planning for the last 10 years somehow puts us one step ahead? Bin Laden prided himself on his splinter structure that would allow everything to continue even if he or any leader was taken out. Thinking that Bin Laden matters is kinda like thinking the American government would fall apart if Obama was shot and killed. Or that the head of the CIA dying before stepping down would shut down the CIA.
13 hours ago
[GIRL 1] We have been in a war for ten years because of the planning he did ten years ago. THat is enough of a reason. Yes it is a splintered system and others will continue in his wake, but this is still a step in the right direction. Terrorism doesnt stop with one death, but this is still a big step.
13 hours ago
[ME, Kyle] The problem is, we have effectively martyr'd him and instigated further attacks. Honestly, I think it's kinda stupid that we even announced it rather than just keeping his body rotting in a back room forever.
13 hours ago • 1 person
[GIRL 1] Or how about this gives light to the fact that all the fighting that all the soldiers have done hasn't been in vain
13 hours ago
Shane McCormick So they waited to kill Osama to smooth over a military operation that is being internationally supported? That is not realistic. They don't have to. Thats realism. Own your political view point, otherwise you are a conspiracy theorist, and nobody takes them seriously. Both Ideal and Real views are important. There is a balance in there somewhere. But even if the news is being taken
12 hours ago
Shane McCormick advantage of by the administration, it does not take away from the importance of it. This is a huge turning point no matter what.
12 hours ago
[ME, Kyle] Evidently you need to take some reading comprehension reviews. I stated that they waited to release this information. Reading what I said properly nullifies everything you just said. Yes, it's cool that he's dead. I'm stating that it's stupid that everyone is believing that 1.) Bin Laden died today and 2.) That it changes anything aside from us finally getting him.
This is no turning point. Any military venture is an uphill battle, and believing that this is going to do anything except intensify hatred from the USA and the troops is nothing but false hope.
12 hours ago
[GIRL 1] [Kyle] all I can say is that I am thankful you are not a soldier
12 hours ago
Shane McCormick Hatred from? I can see that.
12 hours ago
Jason McCormick You never 1) posted anything about people believing that he died today in this thread, and 2) you're wrong because it does change some things, both domestically and abroad. Even if it is being used as political capital, it still changes certain aspects of how we talk about this war. Your assertion that Bin Laden was only a figurehead is disrespectful to the hundreds of people who died due to his planning. You show disrespect to the military who managed to complete this task without suffering a causality, and you show disrespect to a really nice girl who is simply stating that she wants troops, including her fiance, home safe. Be a tool on your own time.
12 hours ago
[ME, Kyle] You wanna hear the funny part? These are the views that were given to me by all the military friends I've been talking to all night since this was announced. One of my marine buddies was extremely pissed because this information was released, because it means that his patrols for the next 3 months just got that much more heated. But I guess it's good that I'm posting completely baseless comments right?
12 hours ago
Jason McCormick No one said anything about your points being baseless. From the beginning, you've misinterpreted [GIRL 1]'s post to have ANYTHING to do with you, and it doesn't.
12 hours ago
Andrea Romano You're right, [Kyle] . You are proof that the entire world is fucked. Bravo. You get a gold star.
12 hours ago
Shane McCormick Nobody said they were baseless. I can understand acknowledging that there is still a mess globally, but it seems that almost everyone is pretty much in agreement that this is a good thing. When the nation can celebrate and feel some sort of relief, despite political affiliation or views, it is a good thing. There is an impact socially. And thanks for the personal dig, btw. For that- you sound silly.
12 hours ago
[GIRL 1] and [Kyle] if you want to be pissed and believe what you want that is your perogative, but that has not a fucking thing to do with why I posted what I posted. My post has to do with the fact that the love of my life is a soldier and I want him safe, not to feed into your conspiracy theory.
12 hours ago
[ME, Kyle] My main point in all my comments are to bring to light that this is going to cause more problems for the troops, not close a chapter and make things all rainbows and unicorns for them. God bless every one of those troops, God knows they'll need the extra help in the coming months.
12 hours ago
[GIRL 1] They have always needed help.
12 hours ago
[GIRL 1] and support
12 hours ago
Jason McCormick He's done it! He's actually done it! He's successfully transitioned from conspiracy theories to blessing the troops! Ladies and gentlemen, we have a new candidate for the 2012 elections! Whooo!!!! Seriously though, it's getting silly up in here, don't you think?
12 hours ago
[GIRL 1] Agreed Jason.
12 hours ago
Andrea Romano He's a uniter, not a divider.
12 hours ago
Christopher Butler [GIRL 1], I hope your man is safe and sound, but don't get me wrong, I think [Kyle] brings up some significant points. 1) The news of Osama's death is going to spur insurgents and terror cells to carry out missions. 2) This one man was a figurehead. He did die a martyr and the media is inciting a hornets nest by the coverage. I did serve in the military and think that this isn't the best news in the world. I think it will actually now get a lot more hairy for the guys on patrols in Afghanistan and Iraq. I think just to dog the guy for making an observation is a bit unfair. I think we all want the war to end, but this doesn't end it. Unfortunately, it may have just made it worse...
30 minutes ago
So it's official. Not only am I a troll that will not stand stupidity or shortsightedness, but I officially have to throw in my bid for the 2012 election. If I can get glaring nominations from people I troll on facebook, how well do you think I could do debating vs Obama & whoever the Repubs can pull in?